Terms and conditions


Current sales and delivery conditions apply to all offers, orders and deliveries from POXER ApS, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the buyer and POXER ApS, and are considered accepted upon acceptance of POXER ApS’s offer.

Offers and prices

Written offer from POXER ApS is valid for 5 days. The listed prices are exclusive of packaging as well as the
applicable VAT and any other charges at any time.


Submitted offers are only binding for POXER ApS when POXER ApS has accepted by confirming the order. Orders placed are accepted as not EN1090 approved. Every order is confirmed subject to obtaining credit insurance by the buyer from a generally recognized debtor insurance company


Delivery takes place “Ex Works” according to Incoterms 2000. Delivery times are indicated by POXER ApS at best estimate, are unrelated and deviations do not entitle the buyer to cancel the purchase. POXER ApS does not accept fines for late delivery, or compensation for resulting losses.


The sold remains the property of POXER ApS until the entire purchase price including any interest credits
have been paid.


Unless otherwise agreed, payment is 8 days net. The due date is stated on the invoice. In case of late payment, late payment interest is calculated from the due date at 1.5% per month. The buyer is not entitled to withhold payment due to any counterclaims that POXER ApS has not recognized.

Return goods

Return of goods can only take place after prior agreement. Custom-made products cannot be returned. If an agreement is made on return, the sold item must be returned at no cost to POXER ApS in a cleaned and undamaged condition in unbroken original packaging.


All disputes between the parties are decided by the ordinary Danish courts in accordance with the rules in the Judicial Procedure Act of Denmark. – The Danish version will prevails